
Here at Downtown Dental, we provide full range of high quality pediatric and adult dental services in a comfortable and friendly manner.

Dental Xrays

Digital X-Rays

Dental x-rays are an important part of finding early signs on tooth decay or potential gum diseases. Here at Downtown Dental we have technologies that will discover extremely accurate diagnoses, allowing our doctors to work on your teeth more efficiently!

Dental Implants


Regardless of whether you have lost teeth or need to prevent gum and jaw recession, our implants can replace the entire tooth, incuding its root. Ask us about our ability to provide dentures, implant supported bridges, and more.

Root Canals

If necessary, we are able to numb the tooth and remove the infection and restore it to its full function. Root canals are then topped off with composite fillings or a dental crown! It is nothing to be scared of, and we will complete this in the most painless way possible.

Mirror reflecting a tooth

Fillings & Crowns

Composite fillings look just like your natural tooth and can withstand normal, everyday wear and tear just like a real tooth! Our fillings add strength to your natural tooth, making them a durable solution to any cracks you may have. Another way to preserve an adult tooth from damage due to decay, disease or injury is dental crowns. Crowns act as a rugged and long-lasting shield over the tooth. Crafted to look identical to your natural tooth, a dental crown is made specifically to fit your bite.

Man putting in Clear Aligners

Clear Aligners

ClearCorrect clear aligners are removable and practically invisible, offering a way to correct your smile without traditional braces! You will wear them 22 hours each day (take them out when you eat or drink), but no one will notice.

Teeth shades for whitening

In-Office & Take Home Teeth Whitening

Our in-office lasering can take your teeth whiter by many shades very quickly! We also offer take-home kits that can achieve a similar white shade using trays filled with potent whitening compounds over time!


Local Anesthesia

We offer an injection of local anesthesia to numb the parts of your mouth that we work on, so that you won’t feel a thing!

Patient receiving nitrous oxide

Nitrous Oxide

The commonly named "laughing gas” is used for sedation and pain relief during our minor to major dental procedures.

Patient getting their mouth examined for Cancer

Oral Cancer Screenings

We complete routine oral cancer screenings during your 6 month appointments! It is important to screen for oral cancer twice a year to look for signs of cancerous or precancerous abnormalities in your mouth.